Death Mountain, day five.

The walls were given a dark green basecoat, then drybushed with lighter greens.

I decided to go with metallics for the statues, to get an unwelcoming look. The metal grates were also given a brown wash for a quick weathering.

Then a bunch of smaller details were done, like skulls, aquillas and missiles. For these I switched to regular paints for a more solid color.

I just want to thank everyone who has followed me along this massive project, your support is invaluable!

That makes one big project done, I guess deadlines are good sometimes...
Until next time,
This is easily one of the best pieces of terrain I have ever seen. Truly excellent work, thank you so much for sharing it!
Wow- it just kept getting better and better! I better see some bat reps using that bad boy...
WOW amazing!!! I would love to play 40k with this terrain on the table.
Awesome job -- the final result really justifies all the time spent on it!
Beautiful simply beautiful.
Brilliant piece of terrain. Time for a last stand bat rep I think.
Very impressive piece! Not only well designed, but superbly painted too. Having this to use would definitely add some spice to the game.
It turned out looking really really good. The integration of the plastic kit with the foam is seamless and the colours are very nice too. Bravo, sir!
Best use of GW's Fortress of Redemption I've ever come across. Outstanding idea and brilliant execution. I plan to come back (when I'm not at work) and digging through all its posts (and thanks for posting them!)
oh man, that is an awesome piece of terrain!! its almost a gaming board on its own!
Reminiscing about the days of Uni life when I had time for the hobby and time to post! I need to change jobs and get my hobbyb time back!
Craig @ Cadian8th
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