Death Mountain, Day Two.

Particulars are being put in place. The orbital laser and door specifically.

There are a few areas where the foam is still too square, they get marked off and cut.

The lower bunker's floor is extended with textured plastic, that good stuff with the grids. Other areas were marked for rubble deposits (I use arrows for where to cut, and exes for rubble, so as not to get confused.)

Some plasticard is added to cover up the edges, but not where the rubble is going. A plastic rod is sliced into thin pieces and used for rivets. I find that anything can be made to look 40kish with the addition of rivets

Rubble is added from the scrap foam to the gaps and open spaces. All through the rubble process it is good to keep in mind that models need to fit, get in combat and other shenanigans, while keeping it defensible.

Soon it will be ready for paint :)
THIS IS LOOKING EPIC!!! Really this is great I'm going to attempt my own version. Thank you for the inspiration.
This is looking amazing, I can't wait to see the final product!
Absolutely awesome piece of terrain! It's got a great feel to it, can't wait to see it painted!
Damn- that's shaping up really nicely!
This is definitely going to look great. Despite the modern kits, there's something about it that harks back to the old days.
I pity da fool who has to fight his way up that monstrosity. That's one hell of a fortress.
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