Here he is, all painted and ready to claw his way through everything in front of him. There was a lot of him to paint, but it was both enjoyable and rewarding! Having a soul-powered-killing-machine is so worth all those weird angles.

He has been named; Wraith Nikodemius Gene, or Gene for short. (No, my iron lich does not have a knack for original names.)

The tubes are my favorite part, they seem to look almost organic.

It is a lot of base to deal with too. It was a similar experience as painting any other really large monster, plus a healthy dose of necromachanics. Althuogh I like the traditional Cryx scheme, I prefer a hell-spawned/steampunk feel, and I think the blue/black and brass bring it out.

Your thoughts? I would like to hear them.

Until next round, be well (and beware of soul-powered-killing-machines!)
Congrats- that looks fantastic! You've really been on a roll lately
outstanding work.
Amazing! Those vents and eye slits positively glow.
I can't imagine transporting it for play, though....
Wow! As Blitzspear said, outstanding dude, outstanding!
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