Sometimes I find it difficult to keep the blog up to speed, these guys are a good example of that. They have actually been finished for a month now...

This chap is one of my favorites, "I am crushing your head!"

The 'nid bits are painting to match the 'stealers who were sent with these guys, I think I did pretty good.

The more osl I do, the easier it becomes.

Ah, the GPS-guy..

Still not sure what he is doing...

"There's a Starfort Coffee around the corner, and Brother Frank is there!"

And finally, the sergeant-like guy.

I love all the bling on these guys, have I mentioned that yet?

This project is still moving along, despite the GottaCon deadline approaching for some other projects. More soon, until next round.
Great paintjobs per usual, tho the blue is a strange one to me next to the deep red and black...
Awesome! The OSL turned out spectacular, and the color scheme is top notch - can't wait to see more!
They Look great! I like the power fist glow.
Awesome! I would love to get my hands on a set of these for my own army!
They are looking good, no OSL for power sword though?
The move has settled a bit, the dreads/termies will be hitting the desk soon.
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