Off I go on another project, a second veteran squad for my 609th. The plan is to deploy them from a Valkyrie, and assassinate the heaviest armour. They will be taking the demolitions doctrine, three meltaguns and a bit of plasma.

For all-roundedness, I am equipping them with shotguns, with a powersword for the sgt. The shotguns are inspired by the talented Cadian 8th from his tutorial on

As they will be jumping out of airplanes, each of them will also be equipped with a grav-chute and respirator. I still have some greenstuffing to do on the grav-chute and knee-pads, as well as the other six to do, they might end up as a tutorial sometime soon.

Thanks for looking, your thoughts?
nice work dude!
Very glad my shotgun tutorial came in useful for someone! many people commented but this is the first time iv seen someone use it so thanks!!
how about a couple of the squad are modelled to be just about to touch down? just an idea but may be difficult to model!
These are looking great, mate, and the shotguns really work well...I've been thinking of trying some out myself!
I must say I'm afraid I'm a little less convinced by the grenades on the arms though - especially as there's still space on their belts - what's the rationale behind it?
Oh, and I love the idea of them touching down, too!
King's, you have a great idea there, I will definitly try to make two of the shotgunners touching down (or just about to). I think I know how...
Admiral, the spaces left on thier belts will be for the melta bombs, they are still under construction. I was thinking discs...suggestions?
Looking good - I love all the awesome details that the command squad box set gives, and the vets you've built all have some great personality. I especially like the grav-chutes. I have been planning to replace the backpacks on my vets and I think that I'll have to try something similar. Inspirational work as always!
I read a article under the same title some time ago, but this articles quality is much, much better. How you do this?
I have altered the colors of my blog lately, or it might not have been this post you remember. (There are some amazing veteran conversions around some of the other blogs that have inspired me!)
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