If you have been wondering what has been happening in the Rabbit Hole, it is about bastions and barricades. For the40k tournament at
GottaCon a friend asked me to paint up some more terrain, to which I gladly agreed.

After accepting the project I took stock of what needed to be done within a two week deadline (along with the plethora of other projects and such), it was possible I hoped.

The two bastions, and three defense lines took about eight days to assemble and paint in between work and gaming. Below you can see the entire set finished.

They were painted in the same fashion as my fortress, with added wear and tear (as these are the secondary towers). The bastions are modular, so I can set up a large tower and a bunker or two bastions (to do this the floor must be separate, as in the pre-primed photos).

Until next time friends, be well,
PS- In case you are wondering, Frankie is next on the table...
That's some good-looking terrain, and a VERY efficient turn around, well done!
Nicely done! While I've assembled my Bastions and the Fortress of Redemption, I'm having a hard time motivating myself to get them finished - once they're assembled it's definitely a daunting amount of real estate to cover with paint. I really like how your sets turned out, good stuff!
Fantastic work! I love working on scenery, though I don't often do so. I love your sewer markers too.
Thanks all! I find the best way to finish something this big is to assembly-line the whole thing, starting with the big areas and working small. I started with the green and weathering, then metallics, and lastly, the wires and lights. Washes and drybrushing is key.
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