As it happens, Old Stuff Day is on a Wednesday, so today I am going to take a look back at some minis that rarely see the table. So, without further rambling, Gandalf on Cart!

This was the first model I painted for my local GW as a staff member, and he tends to remind me of the short but wikkid time I spent there wearing the red shirt. When I first assembled the cart I cut the round tops off, and then had to re-sculpt them since it would be used as a display piece.

Although small and brittle I think he was fun (and easy) to paint.

This is my scratchbuilt Ragnarok battle tank (read Leman Russ). The credit for assembly goes to Jim "the bus driver" who built it for me many years ago (4-5?).

Painted in the colors of the Odin Planetary Defense Force, I will be fielding it in the upcoming Phasian War, but it still needed some more paint. I have to thank the arrival of Old Stuff Day which prompted me to pull the old 'rok out.

This is a random bane knight. Long ago I contemplated collecting a Cryx force, a frozen bunch of wraiths, this guy was my test model.

Ice blue, rich purple, frosty black with lots of silver. As you know, I decided not to go this route, possibly because I didn't use washes back then.

I also didn't know how to put snow on bases, so it did not look right (too thin). I have since been educated by the blogosphere on proper snow tactics, thanks guys.

Heretic necron lord, or at least that is what I call him. He used to have an unliving legion (assembled and painted) but during a purging, they were sold to a dedicated necron player. I hope they are well (as well as evil robots can be).

Well, that concludes another Warp Wednesday,
...but wait, I forgot the links:
This whole Old Stuff Day thing was started by 39,999 over at
39,999. It is kind of neat, I like it. So here it goes:
My favorite of mine:
Step by Step Drop Vets, boo ya!
The blog I think should have a way larger following: Daith's Forge (just look at his WIP
The conversion that blew my brain apart:
Metal Harpies, they Muse Mindfully...
And the 'Awesome Robot Award goes to KMB's
defiler, careful now....
I leave you with
Warp Wednesday One.
Be well.
Obviously that tank isn't completely scratch built as it uses some GW pieces--which is fine, but I'm wondering if the hull is entirely home made? It looks like it, but then it'd be a smashing job. Your friend really knows how to convert things.
The other question I had is what is that black oil-slick in each photo? I would've thought something like that would be distracting, but it really makes your models look sinister: particular that Cryx model. Was that an accident, or was it intentional?
True, there are a few bitz tacked on here and there, but the hull is all plasicard. (I generally term anything that is less than 25% bits as a scratchbuild, otherwise it be a conversion).
The pics are taken on top of my laptop (which will have to do until the construction of a lightbox), which has a skullcandy-bunny logo. ;)
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