Purge of the Chapel (Turn 3&4)
A River Runs Through It
Finally, the ends are taped off and water effects poured in somewhat evenly. I am learning some neat things about leakage, otherwise the whole project went rather smoothly.
Planned for the future is a link to the factory complex (of course there will be dumping goo pipes), the bridge (for the section with the square blocks) and a broken bridge (for the enevitible). Possibly one or two other projects are rolling around my head (something fantasy/warmachine)? It also needs a second coat of water effects I think.
Thanks for looking!
Ricalope, SL.
Planned for the future is a link to the factory complex (of course there will be dumping goo pipes), the bridge (for the section with the square blocks) and a broken bridge (for the enevitible). Possibly one or two other projects are rolling around my head (something fantasy/warmachine)? It also needs a second coat of water effects I think.
Thanks for looking!
Ricalope, SL.
A River Will Flow
I decided I needed a river for my table. As my terrain bins primarily consists of city and industrial zones, I decided on flat edged sides to keep the industrialized feel. The designs were first drawn up in my notebook, including construction and colors. I drew out 9 segments on a peice of press board, which I then cut out, each of them are 12" long with 7" connectors. The riverbank was made with a 1" strip of insulation foam roughly cut in half with a hot-wire cutter.
Lastly, the edges get sand glued to them. The edges of the river will be textured later during the painting stage.
Until next post..
Ricalope, SL.
Until next post..
Ricalope, SL.
A Little Something from the Case
The Techmarine of my last space marine army, the "Astartes Mechanicus". Complete with full servo-harness and terminator armour (yes, I know, can't have it).
Space Marines,
Warhammer 40000,
Green Stuff Contagion
Here are those five termagaunts I was talking about earlier, now with putty! (As you can see, my nid-spelling is bad, oh well). They consist of; cork, beads, green stuff, glue, paper clip, flower wire, and of course, the termie himself. I think I am starting to get this whole sculpting gross stuff, and definitly trying to mold in a mark of Papa somewhere on each...
Posing the genestealers might be difficult, THEY ARE ALL SINGLE POSE!!!!! Grrrrrrr, hisss, snarl....Thank Tzeench for multi-part plastic kits. So it seems that each one will have to be reposed...
Let The Infection Begin
Here are the first bits of evidence of progress. So far, I have figured out the basics of sculpting Nurgle's gifts (pox, sores, etc.) and attempting to nail down the color scheme. My favorite element so far is the bases, I wanted to get away from the standard sand and grass and acidic sludge is just the thing. It is simple as cork and bead bubbles. So far I have 6 hormagaunts finished, 5 termigaunts ready for putty, and 5 genestealers up for cutting. As an added bonus I made up 6 "spitter plants", these will be used as booby traps and other markers.

Color Scheming...
The Hive Has Arrived
Well boys and girls, the tyranids have arrived:
-Hive Tyrant
-Carnifex (2nd gen)
-Green Stuff
-Zoanthrope (2nd gen)<---I likes that one.
-Rippers! Rippers, some more rippers. (Chestbursters anyone?
The color scheme I was thinking of goes something like this: rusty semi-metallic carapace, pale green (or yellow? or purple?) skin, purple (or green if skin is purple) guts and pustules. Yes pustules! I think papa Nurgle would be pleased with this scheme, what do you think?
Also I think all the casualties will be eldar, just cause.
Psykic Chior (Assembly)
Next time I have to remember to shave down the leg pockets. I have another 6 planned, I might need more putty.
Purge of the Chapel (Turn 2)
Battle Report,
Imperial Guard,
Warhammer 40000
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