
...is creeping along...



Meanwhile, The Avatar of Craftworld Apseraph is ready for basing. Most if him is an Anima model I was lucky to find at Skyhaven Games.

I doubt that this a bloody-handed avatar, most likely an incarnation of the Laughing God (or better, Ynnead).

The Avatar is a vessel for the purest feelings of anger and rage for the eldar of Apseraph. It is chosen from the myriad of warrior-statues grown from the wraithbone of the craftworld's core. The warrior-statues grow into maturity while collecting and controlling emotions of anger.

In times of war, a farseer will use a collection of spirit-stones from the aspect houses to awaken The Avatar. It is a sorcery much akin to that used upon wraithguard and wraithlords, except that the stones used are consumed by the centuries of hate stored within The Avatar.

And I think it is a neat model.

Very nice work on the alt-Avatar - I like it! I've become quite a fan of the Anima Tactics models in recent months, I've ended up using quite a few for the Rogue Trader RPG game I've been running, and I may have to pick up one of those models for use as some sort of opponent for my players. Fester looks like it's going to be a real treat as well, I look forward to seeing it progress!
Wow - that avatar is amazing!
Thanks guys! A Rouge Trader rpg sounds like fun, we have just started incorporating minis into our rpg not too long ago. The Avatar will most likely be used for that purpose as well ;)
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