Off I go with another couple of ideas...

I was quite taken by the concept of a medical squad to accompany my 609th. As most of the force is mobile, the medics would need an ambulance.

I decided to use the new hellhound kit as well as a KZKT-537LTractor kit (1/32 scale) mostly for the wheels.

It will most likely count as a chimera. I have plans to make a medical servitor with an operation table inside as well as racks for a couple of stretchers.

Elsewhere, the Inquisition has commissioned the forges to make an interceptor fighter.

The design is based upon the Aquilla symbol, with similar design ideas to the vulture gunship.
I will be arming it with a twin-linked autocannon and two hellstrikes.
Comments are requested and appreciated! There are a few things I'm not too sure about...so fellow bloggers, what do you think?
Ricalope, SL.
I just discovered toy tractors myself. I'm thinking I want to use a slightly smaller scale to make my N20 halftracks and StEG-4 sixwheelers. Thanks for posting your pictures, it's just the kind of reference I needed.
The autocannon in the hellhound is a great idea and I love the wheels you have. What would it look like as a six wheeler? It seems a little long at the moment.
I thought of six wheels, but they were too spaced out and didn't look "right". I am keeping the length due to the plan of putting an operation table w/ servitor-medic within.
For a smaller scale, more fitting to the 40k scale, I would recommend 1/48 (as 1/32 is a little big).
As for the autocannon; I got sick of being limited to the weapons I have on hand so I looked around the hobby store. Selecting two plasticard tubes that fit smoothly (not snugly or tight!) I now have bitz to make lascannons and autocannons for around $3 (Canadian).
Great idea on the plastic tubing. What do you use to make straight cuts? I've had an ok time with my miter box and razor saw, and I just got a Chopper II tool but haven't had the chance to use it yet.
Thanks for the tip on the scale. I also heard something about 1/56 being the most common tractor scale, but that seems like it might be small. I'll take a look around.
I cut the tubes with an exactoblade, then file it flat, drill holes, etc.
-During my time browsing for wheels, I noticed the fattest ones are on airport vehicles, where the army/tanks had much thinner tires.
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