Frankie is very mad, he was put on hold while I built a daemon-engine and started some Imperial projects.

Such is his size and ferocity he roamed the project table, collecting bits of putty, until he became finished. Well building at least...

It will be interesting to see how he does, a pure close combat beast. Tony, a gunfex that is yet to be made, will be backing him up on the field (well that is my pre-codex plan).

Yup, he is big and covered in pox.

Doesn't he just say "hug me"?

Well, that is it for now. Next up are more termagaunts...
Speaking of gaunts, I noticed twelve-bug boxes of termagaunts and hormagaunts sold separately in GW today, I approve.
Thanks for looking, and as always, be well,
Ricalope, SL.
That's... really... COOL!!!
Cool, you could use him as a proxy for Old One Eye.
That is one crazy looking fex. I'd make it target priority just because of how menacing it looks. ;)
Really really nice conversion! But Oni is right, Frankie looks like a fire magnet par excellance. That's a shame for so nice models. I am curious how he will look like when he's painted.
Very awesome. What is the copper looking wiring you are using?
Yeah, nice-looking models do seem to be magnetized to rockets, that is why the Hive Tyrant (Fester) will look doubly cool (I hope).
jc> I use copper guitar wire (I trade coffee to buskers for broken ones and call it recycling!)
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