Lunchbox, officially called I-51, is attached to the Wolf Pack as their personal transport.

You might recall this vehicle from various battle-reports, or from this
post, it is not new to the motorpool by a long-shot.

After the last
game, where it was destroyed first turn (forcing the plasma-toting vets to walk), I decided it needed an update. It is one of the few tanks without track-guards, and I wasn't happy with the look, it needed to look more 'veteran'.

Once all the bits were on, and painted, the tank got hit with the weathering stick. There was also much washing, and a little repainting. I am happy with the end result!

Here it is in the in-between stage, just before painting began.

Plasicard bits, real bitz, and some moving bitz around. It got a wolf pelt, identifying it as part of the Wolf Pack. Some extra tread and stowage boxes, as well as struts for the rear ramp.

The dragon medallion (on the back) signifies the Medusa War, while the shield and seals represent the major engagements on Oden Prime. The wreath is the tank's battle honours, shown on the turret, and the skull represents the unit's membership to Delta Team.

Until next round...

Be well.
I enjoy thoes hatches on the side and the tow bar on the left hand side is great, a very grizzly looking chimera... now all you need is a predator turret to finish it off!
Yep, that's some sweet armor!
Damn dude, awesome! I love it.
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