
Space Wolves - Leading the Pups

 This is the Great Wolf which leads the unit of Blood Claws.  Apparently they act like a bunch of teenagers without supervision.
 This is just a quick post, more to paint (which is always good).  And yes, there are many more posts backing up.....

Until next round, be well.


Khador - Solid Metal

 More red, and a heavy one at that!  (But does Khador make anything that isn't heavy?)  This guy is one of those old metal beasties, and he weighs a ton.  My arm was getting sore just painting him, but he does make a satisfying thud when placed on a table.
 I have been finding that warjacks and warbeasts are really fast and easy to do, and fun too!  These monsters are what WarmaHordes is about after all.
 This is the tip of the iceberg for me and Khador, stay tuned for more red!
Until next round, be well.


High Elves - Frost Lord

 At long last, the second frost phoenix is finished.  As promised, this one gets a rider.
 The little bit n the back is magnetized, allowing an easy switch between unmounted and with lord.  This one also got some extra on its base.
 Again; so many snowflakes!!
 I am nearing the foreseeable end of the high elves, just a dragon with two (very important) riders to go and than it might be off to new projects.

 My only complaint about this model is the throne, it looks like it would provide a lot of wind resistance.  If the phoenix were to take off, or preform any aerial manoeuvres, the lord would be blown backwards.  Maybe it is a magical throne or has really small holes in it or something...
 Either way, I painted the main seat to be wood.  At least it won't be too heavy.
 There is also a on foot version of the rider.  Basically the same model, but with a couple of little differences.  One can still identify the two even with the minor wardrobe alteration.
 Phew, that was a lot of pics for one post...
Until next round, be well.


Cryx - The Siren's Call

 Here is another one for the purple Cryx project, the always useful warwitch siren.  This is one of those solos that I often find room in my lists for, due to her power booster ability.  She can give a focus to a 'jack, providing that it has no focus already.  This can be useful for saving focus, or in tandem with a jack marshal, but not so much for her other abilities.
 This colour scheme fits her well I think.  It is a really nicely sculpted mini, even after the odd helmet she wears, and very Cryxian with the spikes and tattered skirt.
 There is more to work on, so back to it...
Until next round, be well.


Alfa Wing - A4 to Base

 I finished off the Alfa Wing's second valkyrie, designated Alfa 4.  Six more birds to go!
 While looking through the Imperial Armour books I noticed some things about Imperial Navy markings.  Firstly, not all of the markings are in the same places, things like aquillas and squadron numbers are, but not the others.  I also noticed that each plane in a squadron is usually given a colour which corresponds to its position in the squadron.
 These birds came in rough shape, this one was the second worse of the batch.  I recommend that the previous owner take some lessons regarding how to assemble a model.  I did what I could, and I think it is passable and table ready, but it has a few problems still.
 I just need to finish up those bases, and then it is on to another one!
Until next round, be well.


Cryx - Soul Harvester

 It is no secret that iron liches like souls, so it just makes sense to equip a slayer with a soul collecting apparatus.  Erebus here is just that.  I am not sure why I haven't picked him up and added him to my collection yet other than hobby-a.d.d.
 Compared to the previous bonejack, I increased the amount of purple which I think helps create more contrast.  I am starting to like this colour scheme!
Until next round, be well.


Cygnar - The First Step

 I recently got the Cygnar Battlegroup into my dirty hands.  I know, they aren't trolls or Cryxians, but I have a couple of really good reasons for starting up the boys (and girls) in blue.
 The first reason is that we have a new FLGS; Everything Games which is only a couple blocks from my home!  During a Warmachine night, we convinced them to start up a Journeyman League.  As you can see, I chose Cygnar.
 I have assembled a lot of starter boxes since 1994, and I am used to the single poses and flat sculpts with little or no motion.  Warmachine battle boxes come with the same models you buy separately, there is no loss of quality just for starting out.  They don't come with extra bits (which is not  PP thing) but the plastic sculpts are loaded with detail and movement.
 This is the Ironclad, the battlegroup's beatstick.  Like most of the warjacks, there is some room for posing (in the arms) and it fits together really well.
 I am usually an proponent of alternate colour schemes, it makes my army stand out while letting me play with colour combinations.  I chose green for these, with the blue and tan on the upper surfaces.  From the top (which is the angle they are usually seen) there is enough blue that they are easily recognized  as Cygnar.
 Every surface with a Cygnus (the swan symbol) was done blue as well, to reinforce the allegiance.
 At first I was unsure of how they would look, but I was undeterred.  Once they were finished and based I grew to like them fast.  It proves that it is worth it to hold off any judgement until the model is finished.  These guys almost got a bath in Simple Green, I'm glad I didn't.
 I've used them a few times, and I am slowly getting used to the play style (no first turn running?!?!?)  And I am enjoying every minute of it.  I am looking forward to the league progressing, learning a new army and facing new opponents, both of which will help me learn more about the game.
 Cygnar light 'jacks are completely different than bonejacks.  They are only marginally lesser than a heavy, and often armed with awesome weapons.  It is interesting to play a faction with decent technologies.
 The second reason for collecting a new faction is to build a "house army", thus the RHG stencils on the armour.  They will be for anyone to use and to defend RHG in any team-based tournaments.  This battlegroup specifically will be used for demo games as well.
 The box consists of 11pts, like most battlegroups.  Once I add all the mercenaries that will work for Cygnar I have 46pts!  I love mercenaries!!
 My third reason is slightly more exciting (well I am excited at least).  I have applied to become a Press Ganger and spread the good word of Warmachine.  This is my second battlegroup (the first is the Cryx box), you can't run demos with only one battlegroup!  The application is in, and I wait with baited breath...
 The warjacks got a "tabletop quality" paintjob, while Coleman received a character-grade job which is an extra layer of highligts.  He also got more blue, which really makes him stand out in the group (that and his red hair).
 In other news, I am creeping ever closer to becoming a full-time hobbyist.  The only bad part about that is my commission prices will have to go up on new projects, not by much, but enough to pay rent.  An update about that soon.
Until next round, be well.


Khador - Sniper Team

 Here is the first finished unit for the Northern Army, a quartet of widowmakers.  I really like the widowmaker models, they have lots of character, details and one of the most awesome unit leaders in the faction (model wise, not rules wise).
Until next round, be well.


Cryx - Test Bonejack

 Here is a test mini for an upcoming project.  The idea was for a bone-coloured Cryx army with dark purple as a secondary colour. I recommended that the actual bones (like skulls and whatnot) be done a grey tone with thrall flesh as a highlight.  The pink engine glow was his idea.
 The little guy looks fine, but I think more purple is needed, just one more plate would have made it work better.  Luckily, there are still three more bonejacks to work with.
Until next round, be well.


Space Wolves - Younglings

 Unlike more 'codex' chapters, the Space Wolves put their newest battle-ready recruits into power armour and send them into melee with the enemy to prove their worth.  It is odd, but given the 'Wolves nature it seems useful.  The Blood Claws tend to be the most psychopathic in combat.
 This pack will be lead by a more veteran (and level-headed) great wolf.  At least I think that is what they are called, not 100% sure on that one.  He is the last of this batch, there might be a couple more things in the 'Wolves' future.

 Until next round...
...be well.