Last weekend was GottaCon, the biggest gaming convention on our little island. For the third year the Rabbit Hole was asked to assist with the wargamer's terrain needs, and of course we agreed!

This year saw eight tables of Odin Prime! Each year I endeavor to supply interesting battlefields that inspire tactics and photography in equal measure.

In the past I have heard some great reviews of these battlefields, and this year was no different. Those kind of comments validate the hours spent collecting, building and painting such a massive collection of terrain!

Luckily, I was able to touch up some old beaten buildings as well as finish some of the random bits collecting dust. The week before GottaCon has become my annual cleanup of Odin Prime, lots of dusting and fixin'.

I didn't play on the 40k side this year, but I made sure to do some rounds and have some banter here and there. Hearing how stoked the generals are to wage war on my planet was awesome!

So the offer is up; running a tournament? Need terrain? Just call me, would be happy to oblige!

Steamtown made its convention debut, being set up for the WarmaHordes side of things...

...and then borrowed for some Malifaux action!

Sadly, I forgot to take pics most of the weekend, so much going on! But here are a few choice shots I did think to take.

I saw this skaven horde, my jaw fell off.

Mc Beer, who ran the Apocalypse game, was nice enough to place his massive bridge between Death Mt. and a chaos table.

The battle raged, and I was pulled elsewhere....

Where you ask? To the WarmaHordes doubles tourney.

Sam and I fought some of the meanest (and nicest) Khador/Menoth alliance I've seen. Being relatively new players, we did get ponied by some really nice guys.

I fought furiously in the Steamroller, but my lack of knowledge set me back (who knew that a dwarf could pull my caster around?! Don't trust the short ones....) I also ran in the Highlander, placing 3rd out of 4 (got some loot!) Win or lose, all my games were a blast and not a single bad gamer to be seen. Thanks to Darren for running a great tournament!

Only a couple of shots of the paint competition turned out, like this amazing Land Raider.

This talos was stunning, as were all the enteries. Sadly the shots of the squid-faced gorger didn't turn out, stupid camera...

I was stunned to find out the my Boss Troll not only placed, but won first! Truly it is the year of the troll!
Until next round!