Blue Team's Devilfish is ready.

I set to painting it as though it was built with different coloured plastics, like a Ban Dai kit, but with shading and highlights.

As far as the latest set of rumors regarding the new 40k rules; I am averting my eyes. Until I read the new rules I don't need to speculate over what-ifs, the rules are secondary anyways.

The weather sucks, being windy and all, which will make priming the next phase difficult. Time to clamp boards to my balcony...

I am still at a loss as to the army logo, and what colour to make it. I was tempted to steal the Macross logo until I watched a couple episodes....oh yeah....

And, on to the Broads!

Apologies for the teaser, it was as far as I got before I got K.O.'d for the night.

This is Camo Team, friendly aren't they?

Railcannon, the most badly warped gun I have ever met....

Until next round...
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