This plucky little fellow is commonly referred to as the Quadraped around the Holes and Dens. You might recognize him from various battle reports and as part of the Black Legion I did for a friend. Yeah, it took a while to finish him...

The theory behind its design was to build a fast, light, armor-killer, that and I'm also not that big of a fan of defilers. So he got armed with a twin-linked multimelta and some big claws.

After a few games we realized that his rules (very much like a possessed dreadnought) didn't fit right, so I thought to revamp them. Tell me what you think...

Fast Attack. Points: ????
WS 4, BS 4, S 6(10), F 12, S 12, R 12, I 4, A 3. Walker, beast (fleet, 12" assault)
2 dreadnought ccw's, twin-linked multimelta, twin-linked bolter, daemonic possession, smoke launchers.

How many points would you spend for a quadraped?
I would probably make him BS3 with Daemonic possession and 2 attacks with only 1x DCCW for 110-120 points?
The daemonic possession would explain the lack of crew and to attack, it would need to stand on 3 legs to swipe with 1 of them. BS3 is fair considering you have a twin linked MM and bolter.
Very cool conversion though, the defiler kit looks so rank when built properly but conversions from it are awesome.
For all of that based on GW's costs I'm getting 180 points not including the Beast Special Rule; I can't find an accurate cost for that.
I agree BS4 and 3 attacks might be a bit much. Reducing BS to 3 and Attacks to 2 will bring your cost down to 155 without the Beast Special Rule.
Either way, your conversion is a work of art--VERY nice.
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