It has been a while since my last post...sorry about that. I blame the Eisenhorn trilogy.

But, more importantly, Charon has been finished just in time for the Road Warrior monthly challenge over at
Sheffield Irregulars. I am endeavoring to enter each month, it provides me with the necessity to finish at least one project a month, or a least a bit of focus project-wise.

After working on this project I realized that I need to build a triage centre, with stretchers, medical equipment and some wounded. As I am planning to build a modular trench-table, this mini-diorama will be incorporated into one of the sections.

But first i must finish the projects on the table; fester and the medic squad.

Until next time, be well.

Great looking beast!
I see a couple ideas here to try when I catch up on a few things.
Great looking model. Wonderful mix of 40k and WWII. I love the operating table with the metal cuffs. "This is gonna really hurt."
Great work.
That looks fantastic- well done!
awesome looking model. loving the freehand medical logos.
- Courtney @ Cadian 127th
Gorgeous work as usual! I love the attention to detail on the interior operating theater. Fantastic stuff!
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