Rules-wise, it will most likely be an Imperial Guard List, (although using a space marine list would be amusing, and I definitely do not want to use a necron list for them). There will be many "count as" models, but they will be wysiwyg (equipment and guns), just alot of strange designs.
Putting the romance back in necromancy...take care.
Putting the romance back in necromancy...take care.
Or Tau:
HQ - Battlesiut commander (Arch Magos)
El - Crisis Siuts (Large battle servitors)
-Stealth Siuts (Servitors w/ warpfeilds)
Troops - Krrot (Tek-slaves)
-Fire Warriors (Tek guard)
and so on...
I like the direction your going with the sketches! Granted, it's not tournament legal, but have you considered the Tempus Fugitives "Soul Forge" army list? At the very least, the list may provide some inspiration as far as Dark Mechanicus units go.
Can't wait to see more!
Cheers! Much of the inspiration is coming from the blogosphere the grey knights omnibus and my rpg setting. took a look at soul forge, lots of good stuff...more necromancy!
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