
Been Sleeping

...but still painting. It seems the painting table is an ever-changing plethora. These three warlocks are the last of the seer council, but now that I have finished these, I want to go back and touch up the others. D'oh, as they say.
magic dudes......magic dudes.....burn you with magic dudes.....
and purple too!
This guy is very serious about stuff...
I bet the fur keeps him warm.
Same pose, real hand!
With a cape!

Until next post, thanks for the look!


Mordian7th said...

Nice work! The purple/bone/blue is a very striking color combo and it really suits the warlocks. Can't wait to see what's next!

Grajo said...

Not only they are a great bunch of warlocks but... I´m painting warlocks right now too!!!!!

Nice work on the minis but specially in the capes and symbols!!!