
Khador - A Little Bit of Necromancy

 Here is another model for the Northern Army; Alexia.  Of all the older Privateer sculpts, this one is one of my favourites. 
 One of the most fun parts was her sword, which was an attempt at a glowing black blade.  It wasn't a complete success, but I am happy with it.
 I also gave her a flash of red so she would have some tie-in with the rest of the army, otherwise I took the opportunity to use some colours I don't get to use very often (which is my favourite thing about mercs).
Until next round, stay frosty...


Cephalyx - The Psychic Spider-Squid Army Begins (Slowly)

 A while ago, I attended a Steamroller and promptly lost every game.  The big prize, a pre-release cephalyx army bundle, was to be raffled off with extra tickets going to the winners.  My chances were low, and to my complete surprise, my ticket was drawn!!
 Now, months later, I have a painted cephalyx to post; the agitator!!
 As you can see, I am going with a dark purple for the robes. The other colours I tried to keep somewhat muted, being used to provide contrast mostly.  The most fun part was the bases, I used some zombie bits and water fx (the paste stuff) and a couple of brushloads of varnish after the red paint.  The whole army will be wading through pools of gore, yummy.
Until next time, be well.