Before you attempt to retaliate with the "henchmen build" argument, lets take a look at the Inquisition forces in the GK codex. Hmmmm....3 unit types. This screams "footnote" to me, or possibly "oops, we almost forgot about the Inquisitors." Luckily no-one plays radical Inquisition, right?
Well I do, and I am pissed.
Lets just ignore the fluff FAIL of putting Inquisitors from all three ordos in the same book, without any ordos units.
Lets look at the numbers. Planets with Grey Knights: 0 (Titan is a moon). Number of planets with Inquisitors: billions. Sounds fair right?
So the most common Ordo Malleus units and characters only get an honorable mention, and the smallest chapter in the galaxy gets the rest of the book. Inquisitors (the ones who run the Ordo Malleus by the way) don't even get a new unit types, no neat death engine, nothing.
Sorry GW, but I'm not buying marines, even if you take my armies away.
I think you'll find that if you take the Inquisitor special character you can take the henchmen as troops.. that's what I've heard anyway.
I actually like the models and all, but I'm a bit miffed about it too, because it has ban omens for my Witchunters becoming a "Sisters of Battle" codex.
I invite you to join the =I= exodus to my codex, but we don't have Daemonhosts (not sure if that's a dealbreaker). Although we can give our stormtroopers shotguns, for whatever that's worth.
I have similar feelings to you mate.
the shiny, overpowered marines clearly sell well to the 12 year olds.
Way I see it we have two options, neither ideal.
first, play counts-as guard. carapace vets in place of stormtroopers, and pick one for you =][=, psyker? Primaris, power armour? ad mech, CC? straken... and so on, model them like =][= and model the command squad like a retinue.
would even allow us to run all valk like the IA version.
second option, (as they still have a section on the GW site, while DH do not) is to run them as Witchhunters. stortroopers run as counts as sisters.. and so on.
It sucks I know, becuase I loved my Daemonhosts, they were so unpredictable it made the games awesome. and it just seems they are gone now.
These are all great comments, and yes, I have been thinking about the "counts as" option. Imperial guard is a great choice, but the Primaris just doesn't have the punch of an Inquisitor, and then there is the problem of the assassins and daemonhost.
The daemonhost is one of my essentials. After reading Eisenhorn, they became the reason for playing DH (I was really hoping for an "unbound" 'host, at least). This has got me thinking the CSM codex (unbound as greater daemon, bound as lesser).
I don't want to use any special characters, or marines, so Coteaz is out. This I think is the greatest insult, being forced to use either GK's or a special character to use the models I already have.
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