
Lustgrinder Finished

Lilith is finished. After three weeks of sculpting (and an entire roll of GS).
This has been one of the most ambitious projects I have attempted, and I am pretty happy with the result.
Also, this has been the largest commission piece I have been requested to do, and this first commission I will not be painting.
I urge you all to watch Samalander's blog for painted progress of Lilith and for all the other Slaaneshi fun that goes on there.
It almost makes me sad to not be working on Lilith anymore, although a lot of work, she was fun.

It started here with the blue print, then it grew here, here, here and here. That will give you the full progress in order.

Well, until next time, thanks for the inspiration,
Ricalope, SL.


  1. I really like it! How many eldar kits did you use and which ones?

  2. One wraithlord, one warwalker, a heavy weapon sprue, tyranid scything talons, some guitar wire (d string) and lots of putty.

  3. Jeezus, what a beautiful model. I may have to re-think using Eldar parts for my Tyranid-Necron army's monstrous creatures, now.
