Infinity - The Morat
Infinity is a game where I have painted and assembled a few, but never played a game. I am sure it is only a matter of time since the g...
Retribution - The Battlegroup
The next bettlegroup to tackle is the Retribution, or commonly known as the angry-elf-faction. For inspiration I took a look through th...
Khador - The End?
The dirty Khadorians, a long project that is finally done. Included in the army is an objective (from the Warmachine objective set)...
Cyriss - Machine Core
Having jumped into Warmachine with both feet, and becoming a Press Ganger (a PP volunteer and event organizer), it is time to collect AL...
Dark Eldar - The Iron Thorn
Another batch of minis done! This time I got to paint up some sweet dark eldar on bases made from coolness. The archon, mostly pla...
Gamesday Minis of Old
These two minis are from the old days, when I wore a red shirt in a hobby centre. Both of them are Gamesday minis, those one-time exclu...
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