
Tau - Magnetic Cannon Carrier

 Have I ever mentioned how much I like magnets?  They are awesome, and a magnetic gun is extra awesome (especially of this calibre!)  I finally finished the gundam tau's hammerhead gunship.  All that flat surface area, ugh....
 I think the "table top" result is worth it though.  The hammerhead is designated aqua, and I am hoping against the odds that tau can field squadrons of gunships.  Anyone know?
 I am also still trying to figure out the weathering colours and technique.  I can't decide what would look right; chipping, oiliness, both?  I am endeavouring to stay away from metallics on the entire army, so chipping might be out of the question.
 On the other hand, I could just go with some crazy freehand....
 Thanks for dropping by,
until next round!


  1. if you are going to go with chipping, I'd suggest a dark brown (like Scorched Brown) to represent the undercoat. I think it might work well against the grey. For weathering powders I'd also suggest browns, built up to something quite light.

    Looking good!


  2. How to weather depends entirely on your basing scheme (for me at least!)

    From what I've seen of your tau, you have a dark grey stone/rubble base. Dusty is probably not right, chipping might work best. If you do, keep it mostly on the underside IMO.

    Oiliness is something I didn't consider, and it sounds awesome but I would only consider it if you were basing like on swamp bases or something that implied moisture, and so the army would keep their machines well oiled to avoid water damage.

    Not sure if this helps but that's my thoughts!
