My favourite lich has gone legendary (I'm sure that's the level above epic), and he got a new friend! Given his new status, I made an epic base for the guy so he can tower above the other Cryxians in the case. This is a pic-heavy post, so on with the details....
I painted him in the same fashion as his previous incarnations, but with the various techniques I have evolved since starting my legion of undead. The red is the same, dark-mid-light reds with more precise washes. The blue-black begins with necron abyss, followed by regal blue and shadow grey with a black wash. I now do my Cryxian gold with blighted gold, shining gold and then green wash.
The display base features Asphyxious' rune nice and big, with extra flourishes for coolness. The join isn't seamless, there is some small discrepancy between the display base and his, mostly due to the raised nature of it. Overall, I'm 80% pleased with the result.
The glowing bits are also done differently compared to my first Cryxians. I undercoat them with white as my first step after priming the whole model black. The orange hell-glow areas are washed with orange ink, them red wash in the "outer" portions, and a small amount of cygnar yellow in the "inside" parts. The soul cages get a bit of rotten flesh, followed by a green wash and a yellow highlight on the upper portions.
As for the mini itself, I didn't change it too much. The sculpt was nice, with few vents and some easy mold lines, but he is shorter than my iron lich version. I angled his skirt on the cork basing, then filled in some additional folds to break up the triangular shape.
(magnets, they are like magic...but more magical!)
And Hellbringer also comes with a buddy. Vociferon is a re-tooled scarlock geared up for harvesting tasty souls. Compared to a regular scarlock, Voci loses spell slave but he is an arc node (which is useful because he should be up front vacuuming life energy).
The banner wasn't appealing to me, so I changed it. In the bitz box was a corrupter arm, an infinitely useful bit, and after some cutting and drilling my new scarlock got a new soul vacuum.
So far, I really like Asphyxious' new incarnation. His new spell list is pretty sweet; carnage makes thralls hit things and mobility makes my jacks much faster. But his feat is killer (using focus, fury and casting heals him and gives him a soul), making it essential to take him out on his feat turn or face a 20 focus iron lich. *insert evil laughter here*
Hope you like him! Until next round...
This guy is really cool. My only criticism would be his base needs to sink into the display to really look perfect.