
A New Nightmare - Complete

 Here's my finished Nightmare.  Some of you might remember him from the WIP post when I converted a slayer to be a creepy character 'jack.  If not, got there now, I'll wait...
 With the new angle of the torso, the under-bits are easier to paint and see and the arms and tentacles are far enough from the body to not cause any painting issues.  It was a pretty simple paint job, but most helljacks are.  Nightmare got a bunch of little runes on his shoulders and hands, cause he is special.
 He fits in with the other wraiths better (the wraith engine and the still in progress/scratch built machine wraith).  Now I just need to find a model for epic Denny, I will likely be looking in the Anima range, but until then he has been great for regular Denny.  Oddly, using him with Mortenebra's terminal velocity has been the most complementary (spd 11 when charging a living prey model and boosted attack rolls, whats not to like?)
Anyone else have out-of-the-box tactics for this monster?
Until next round...

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