
Soul Powered Engine of Destruction

My iron lich's entourage swells, the most recent addition, a seether helljack. I call this psychotic machine 'Sean'. The rules for this..thing...are disgusting, it is no wonder they have to chain it down in between fights.
Rules aside, he just looks badass, so I had to get one. Only thing that bugged me was the head, it didn't sit well with me, so I switched it with a chaos defiler mask with the horns moved around to become tusks.
Sean is one heavy son of a forge, being all metal, definitely feels like 9 points. To digress, I find it easier to paint a model this size or smaller if it has some weight. A heavy model can rest in my hand, where I have to hold lighter ones. Ok, spiel over.
Hopefully I get the chance to let him run around smashing stuff with his bro (Correy) this weekend. Until next round, remember to thank the dice gods and be well.


  1. TOTALLY awesome head swap. Just... Awesome.

  2. Wow, that really is one of the most badass models I've ever seen. He could make a great chaos dreadnought.
