
Black Dragon - Dreadlord WIP

The newest commission project has begun, and this time it is a black dragon of those not-nice elves. It has been built so that the riders (a Dreadlord and Sorceress) may be swapped, or be used unmounted. It was simply putting a pint in the chair poking out both sides and drilling corresponding holes.
This is the progress so far, the Dreadlord and a start on the throne. Purple was chosen as the primary color, with a lean towards the standard colors. So I stared at the box for a bit, and noticed how the metal was two-toned, which I like. I painted the metal like normal (boltgun/chainmail/mithril) then washed it with asyumen and a "spot" wash of ogryn flesh.
As the third color I chose a turquoise, and attempted to make it flow into the purple. So far, so good (I think...)
Until next round...

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