This thing is freaking huge, but it builds easy. I cannot stress enough how much frustration was saved giving the model a bath.

Almost everything fit with a bit of filing here and there, and nearly all of the mold lines easy to get at (even the large shoulder vents). The only parts that gave me a problem were the shoulder tubes, they didn't line up at all. The resin has a bit of give, and I had to hold each piece for a couple of minutes to get them to bend and stay that way.

I can't help but think; Fester went transmetal! (I like creepy snake-things, whats wrong with that!?)

Time to fill some small gaps and prep the arms (the lucky guy might even get a head too!)
Until next time, be well. (...and beware of soul-powered killing machines ;)
You my friend need an PG rating, you know for me. You sacred me, from that sound of the name of the model as well as the sound the model makes we it touches the table. Ya paddles fun! Thanks in my nightmares getting beatings from this guys, so I switch it up and go with the little red chicks devils with green horns and ah varying boos and fetishes, ah those tails gross his tail ahah thats what the MARINES are for.