
Warp Wednesday Nineteen: Top Ten

Good Wednesday to you all. With all the craziness going around I thought you could use one. By request, I have for you some pictures of fantasy chaos models, and just a little further down, a top ten list.
"A top ten list?" I hear you ask. Yup, of the other blogs who have inspired me the most since I uploaded myself into cyberspace. They are in no specific order, it would take me until Thursday to figure that out.
Lets start with the two Paths, the Exodite and the Outcast, and lets not forget the well named Dead Tau Project. Then there are the Glorious Works and Daughters of the Emperor that are most drool-worthy.
But my first love is conversions ("kitbashing" sounds so barbaric and wrong and its not even a real word). I always look forward to posts from the Metal Mind and Corbania, and I blame I.K.E. on Dei Greci. To round off the list, the tainted Mordian 7th (who seems to be doing much chaos lately,) and K.M.B.! who I am positive is a cyborg.
So, as they say;
see you next week unless the emphermantas get ahold of your Rigger Field emitters!

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