
A Hydra Platform (Part Two)

The Hydra platform is complete and ready for primer. I was surprised about how easy it was to assemble, I will definitely make more weapon platforms like this.
The entire model, not including bitz, cost $5 (Canadian). Being scratch-built and defensive, it will become part of my PDF force, and most likely be seen near the fortress.
That's it for now,
Ricalope, SL.


  1. Fantastic job - I'm really impressed with your plasticard work, that Hydra platform looks awesome. Out of curiousity, what are you using for rivets?

    Can't wait to see it painted up!

  2. Thanks, it might take a while to get it painted (hopefully next month). I use the little round balls from inside a Brita water filter, just crack one open and you get a million.
