
Here Comes the Mushroom Man...

This is a giftmini for Samalander. She has named him Kamasipress (the word from Cabin 12). The challenge for me was how to make a brightly colored "unugly" nurgle daemon prince. If you have seen her army (and I suggest you do) you will notice the vivid color, claws and unorthodox model use.

Given Sam's attraction to mushrooms, when I saw the original model I knew I had to paint it for her. This was just before she started collecting, and when she decided on daemons, he got the title of daemon prince.

The original model is the Mushroom King from Reaper Miniatures, although a nice model on it's own, he needed more. Adding wood elf dryad bitz and extending the cap with green stuff was on the menu.

The purple hue in the skin is there to tie him in with the deamonettes (and stuff) but I kept it paler than them for a nurgly appearance. In the tradition of sacred mushrooms, he got a white spotted red cap.

He sat half done for a while, then last week he collected the "minimum dust requirement" and I finished him. Now he just needs some powers and he will be a magical mushroom.

Ricalope, SL.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much he is a wonderfull new addition to my army. I already have a stat card written up for him and he is now a magic mushroom.
